Mercy Miller 8th grade 6’2 ” point guard goes for 25 point in a high school game looking like a young Stephen Curry with the three ball. Mercy Miller vs Saint Peter. #MILLERGANG
Master P’s son “MERCY MILLER” & Silkk The Shocker’s son “VJ MILLER” are Top 8th Grade Bball Stars
MASTER P’S SON MERCY MILLER 6’2 8TH GRADER AND SILKK THE SHOCKER’S SON VYCTORIUS “VJ” MILLER 6’4 8TH GRADER ARE TWO OF THE TOP BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN THE COUNTRYMercy Miller is a 6’2 8th grade point-guard with a Steph Curry jumpshot and is already playing high school varsity basketball. He