“Today is about change for me.I come from nothing, I never had it easy. I made a lot of sacrifices and changes because I wanted more. I’m proud of Gucci Mane for the changes he made in his life. It’s hard to do coming from poverty and so much negativity. I changed my life because I wanted to be free and be able to see my kids and watch them grow up. A lot of people talk about keeping it real. But when they get caught up they change and turn angry and bitter with their family. When you’re disrespectful to your loved ones and unappreciative, all you’re gonna get is tough love especially when you have chosen friends over family. I love my brother but I would not waste any more of my hard earned money on any of my relatives that choose to do the same negative things. No one can change people but themselves. If I was dead, people would talk about all the great things I’ve done and how real I was. But since I changed for the better and I am alive, free and doing right, most people don’t understand me. Change is not for us to understand but when we know better we have to do better. And when you change for the better you don’t have to be jealous or mad about other people especially when you’ve had the same opportunities that they’ve had. So stay true and God will give you abundance when you do right. Drugs are killing our people but not being afraid to change will help us overcome the impossible. Maybe I can’t help my own relatives who don’t listen, but hopefully my change and growth may inspire and help save kids that came from the same type of environment I grew up in. Nobody’s perfect but we all can change for the better. So thank God for the blessing that we are still alive. My mission in life is not to go backwards, but to keep growing and helping as many people as possible that want better.”