Happy 5/20 Cannabis Freedom Day – Inspired by a fellow Bayou State native, music mogul Master P is leading the charge to acknowledge May 20 as Cannabis Freedom Day, meant to champion widespread legislative change and freedom for people convicted of marijuana sales. Fate Vincent Winslow was sentenced to life in prison in 2008 after selling $20 of marijuana to an undercover officer. After 12 years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary also known as Angola, a huge prison industrial complex sitting on land that was formerly a slave plantation, he was released in December 2020, aided by Innocence Project New Orleans activists, resentenced to 12 years with time served. Winslow, 53, was killed on May 4, shot dead in Shreveport less than five months after being released. However, Percy “Master P” Miller is hoping to use Winslow’s story to prompt conversations about how so many African Americans remain incarcerated for the possession or selling of nominal amounts of marijuana when it has been legalized in 34 states and pushing for full decriminalization of cannabis.