Master P at the ARIZONA HIP HOP FESTIVAL NOV.14.2015
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See Master P and the Rest of the TEAM FUTURE MILLIONAIRES as Master P Gives an Educational and Entertaining Event for Self Made People Looking to Be Future Millionaires Learning from P’s Years of Experience and Direction. For the First Time Ever Master P is Telling You Exactly How He Did It and How You Too Can Succeed In The Game of Life. Dont Miss an Event Like No Other.
“Master P and No Limit Records will be in attendance at this year’s Arizona Hip-Hop Festival.
It only makes sense for The King Of The Underground to team up with RTU to provide and expand a platform for independent artists that works. Master P will be holding a conference at the festival to speak with a select amount of musicians on “how to be a boss” within the industry.He will also share stories about his journey that took him from the streets to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
On top of a lecture from the Master, him and his label will be scouting for talent to sign. Arizona will be the first place an event of this proportion will occur. Respect The Underground and No Limit have plans on implementing similar festivals/conferences regionally, nationally and worldwide in the near future.
This is not an event any music lover, or maker, should miss.
*Only a select few will be chosen, register below to qualify.
#NoLimitSouthwest #TeamFutureMillionaires
Plus Huge After Party Same Night!
No Limit Forever Records
More Info: