Master P conducts the official taste test with the new SNOOP CEREAL at POST headquarters with their Executive Staff and Food Chemists. Percy Miller says, “We’ve got the best tasting cereal in the game hands down! And it’s owned by US. With national distribution through Post, Snoop and I are the New Kings of Breakfast Foods. We also have a healthier alternative for WIC, nutritious and delicious. We’re taking over the grocery stores in June 2023… BIG BUSINESS. The more we make the more we give.”
Snoop Cereal has three new flavors hitting grocery store shelves nationwide in June of 2023: Fruity Hoopz, Cinnamon Toasteez and Frosted Drizzlers. The cereal brand character is Captain Ace aka The Kobe of Cereal. The two icons are making history as they build a family brand creating economic empowerment and adding diversity onto supermarket shelves. For more information, go to SnoopCereal.com and BroadusFoods.com