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Businessman and educator, PERCY MILLER, has created a fun-learning way
to teach Entrepreneurship, Business, Banking and Real Estate to the youth
through music. “Yeah Coach” is a catchy song that you can dance to and learn from. Master P says, “If we’re going to bridge the wealth gap, we have to teach the next generation Financial Literacy.” Master P is currently visiting schools all around the United States with the organization teamhopefoundation.org to teach financial literacy.
to teach Entrepreneurship, Business, Banking and Real Estate to the youth
through music. “Yeah Coach” is a catchy song that you can dance to and learn from. Master P says, “If we’re going to bridge the wealth gap, we have to teach the next generation Financial Literacy.” Master P is currently visiting schools all around the United States with the organization teamhopefoundation.org to teach financial literacy.
#MasterP #PercyMiller #Entrepreneurship
Art Direction By: No Limit Hit
No Limit Forever Records
Team Hope Foundation

About Post Author
Executive Visual Creative Director @ No Limit Forever Records & Affiliated Entities - Hit' / Hitmayne4Hire is a brand of HITGPX MEDIA GROUP! TruTankSoldiers.com started in 2003